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Aug - Dec 2023

Screen-printing is a medium in which an artist presses ink through a stencil onto a surface to create vibrant and lasting images. This technique allows for the creation and repetition of intricate designs with bold colors and textures, making it a popular choice for entrepreneurs wishing to print on various surfaces such as paper, fabric, and even metal in bulk while staying true to those who approach art and design in a more hands-on manner.

The Process

I began this adventure when I took interest in the work of a photographer named Daria Kosinova. I admired how she pushed the boundaries between 2D and 3D using a fisheye lens. Her color palette was also striking and I found what she had to say in an interview with Ellyn Kail inspiring:


"At first, I had two versions of the final post-production. The

first one was without any color effects: soft light, precise tones.

But then I realized that I just wanted to allow myself an experiment, without limiting myself. Based on my vision, I

selected the tones and adjusted the settings. I wanted an

“acidity” in the frames but was afraid that no one would like

such an experiment because it looks quite catchy and defiant.

To my surprise, everyone liked this version."

Daria Kosinova

Original Image


The exchange motivated me to experiment as well. I began by taking the photograph and simplifying the image into halftones in order to print it out onto transparency film

Halftone Image


After printing the design and prepping my matrix, I thought about different ways in which I could use this new method of making art. I believed the pixelated halftone print would clash well against the texture and type of a page ripped out of an old book and it did.

Screenprint Image

Back to Photoshop

After producing several different editions using my matrix, I realized that I could push the textural boundaries of this project even further through digital means. The prints themselves resembled posters I'd made in the past so I figured I'd treat it the same. The image had traveled full circle at this point, returning once again to Photoshop where I'd experiment with several different textures and effects.

Screenprint Edit


This experiment was the perfect way to embrace my love and curiosity for texture physically and digitally.

Photoshop Experiment

Kosinova, Daria. “DARIA KOSINOVA PROVES THAT FISHEYE PHOTOS WILL ALWAYS BE COOL.” Interview by Ellyn Kail. The Pho, Day Month Year,

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